After graduate school in Physics, I went to Apple and worked on the Copeland Appearance Manager for a few years. Hopefully it will ship in only a few more years.
In Dec, 1995 I went to work at Netscape:
1.My first project was Mac Navigator Gold 2.0 which
never shipped because it wasn't finished on time.
2.With the much needed and much appreciated help
of new QA engineers, we were able to complete Mac Navigator Gold 3.0.
3.I continued to work briefly on the Composer portion
of Mac Communicator 4.0. I implemented inline input for things like Japanese
4.Next I made a Navigator-only version of Mac Communicator
4.0 called simply Mac Navigator 4.0 for people who didn't want mail, news
or the HTML editor.
5.For awhile I floundered around helping out on
a series of projects (such as an effort to improve our cross-platform DHTML
code.) I didn't see the completion of any of those.
6.In January 1998 I was transferred to the newly
created NetCenter division. At first I was unhappy about it, but it turned
out to be a great move. This is a fast moving dynamic place to work -
much like the Netscape I joined
back in 1995.
7.My first project at NetCenter was helping on the
back-end database access code for all the web applications on the site.
8.Next I helped create Custom NetCenter, a product
we are selling to companies which allows them to develop thier own portals
which we host here at NetCenter.
9.My last project was as techinical lead for MyAOL
which hasn't shipped yet.
10.I realised that I don't enjoy working in big companies.
The meetings drive me up the wall. There is nothing more painful.
In June, 2000 I went to work at Tellme Networks:
1. This company is so alive and filled with incredibly
smart people, that I love going to work each day.
2.The company is so strong that it grew from about
100 to 200 people during the first month I've been here...
2. Try out the service: (800) 555-TELL.
I currenty live in the beautiful town of Mountain View, California.